Blob Setup

Every Renter Must watch and review the following information:

Blob Setup

included with your Rental

  • A 25 ft Blob with buoys and attachment skirts

  • Two Sets of NRS 6 Straps

  • Two NRS 3 straps

Not Included with your rental

  • a leaf blower or shop vac for inflation

  • life vests for all blob users


  1. Inflate the valves in the 2 outer pontoon valves first.

  2. Inflate the main body of the blob using on of the 3 valve locations-Use valve (Note*the blob body should not fully inflated in order to launch effectively)

  3. Use a standard leaf blower of shop vac for inflation

  4. Use the NRS 3 straps on both sides of the blob to attach blob body to pontoons through the the D Rings.

  5. Attach the blob skirts to the blob and then the pontoon for further attachment and stability.

  6. Walk to the blob off on LAND and onto the water. **Make sure not to drag the blob along any rough surfaces**

  7. Use the NRS 6 Straps to attached the end of the blob perpendicular to your structure i.e houseboat, crane etc.

Inflation Tips

*The Blob should only be inflated 60% full. If the blob is too inflated, it will not provide as effective of a launch and will cause the launcher to fall backwards when jumping onto the blob.

Ready to Blob?

Ready to start your summer fun? Tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll get in touch shortly!